




Fernsprechbetriebskraftwagen (Kfz. 61)
mit Fahrgestell des l. gl. Lkw. (o),
mit Einheitsfahrgestell für l. Lkw.,
mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)






The Fernsprechbetriebskraftwagen - telephone operating motor vehicle - (Kfz. 61) mit Fahrgestell des l. gl. Lkw. (o) - with chassis of the light cross-country lorry (commercial), abbreviated Fsp. Betr. Kw. (Kfz. 61), can be identified by the Erdleitungsrohre - earth conductor tubes - fixed to the sides of the superstructure. In some cases, the external equipment was located on different places. The typical Stangen - rods - were positioned on the roof of the illustrated vehicle. They were located on the left side of the superstructure on vehicles without the mountings for the Geländeketten - cross-country tracks. Until now, this version could be proven based on the chassis of the Büssing-NAG G 31, the Magirus M 206 and the Mercedes-Benz G 3 a.









The arrangement of the external equipment was changed on the Fsp. Betr. Kw. (Kfz. 61) based on the Einheitsfahrgestell für l. Lkw. - standard chassis for light lorry. The Stangen were still mounted on the left side but the Erdleitungsrohre were now bundled to groups of four and five on the right side of the body. Two folding ladders were mounted to the left and right of the door in the rearside of the superstructure.
Most probably, vehicles with similar arrangement of the external equipment based on vehicles with Einheitskoffer - standard box body - based on the m. gl. Lkw. (o) - medium cross-country lorry (commercial) - were also designated Fsp. Betr. Kw. (Kfz. 61). Only the chassis of the Opel Blitz 3,6-6700 A was used.






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