




Protzkraftwagen (Kfz. 69)
mit Einheitsfahrgestell II für s. Pkw.,
mit Einheitsfahrgestell II für s. Pkw. Typ 40 &
mit Fahrgestell des l. gl. Lkw. (o)



NAG Voran 1,5 to Protz-Kfz RW-3264, Hoppe



Already in the late 1920s, attempts were made to use the l. gl. Lkw. (o) - light cross-country lorry (commercial) - as towing vehicle for guns. Within these attempts, the Protzkraftwagen - limber motor vehicle - (Kfz. 69), abbreviated Protzkw. (Kfz. 69), based on the NAG Voran was created. Obviously, this development based on the new six-wheel chassis with rear axles with dual tyre arrangement didn’t succeed. Therefore, only prototypes were made.









After the Kruppp L 2 H 43, later 143,  had entered serial production in 1934, this chassis was chosen as chassis for the Protzkraftwagen (Kfz. 69). Instandly, this chassis worked much better than all other attempts made bevore. Therefore, the Krupp L 2 H 143 was manufactured until 1942.









Beginning in 1937, Protzkraftwagen (Kfz. 69) mit Einheitsfahrgestell II für s. Pkw. - with standard chassis II for heavy passenger car - resp. Einheitsfahrgestell II für s. Pkw. Typ 40 - standard chassis II for heavy passenger car type 40 - were made. These differed only by the carried equipment and the crew from the Mannschaftskraftwagen (Kfz. 70). (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)






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