




Gefechtskraftwagen (Kfz. 18)
mit Fahrgestell des m. Pkw. (o)






The Gefechtskraftwagen - combat motor vehicle - (Kfz. 18) mit Fahrgestell des m. Pkw. (o) - with chassis of the medium passenger car (commercial) - , abbreviated Gef. Kw. (Kfz. 18), had two seats and a loading platform at the rear. Until now, this superstructure could be verified based on chassis of Adler (12 N-RW, 12 N-3G), Mercedes-Benz (Stuttgart 260) and Wanderer (W 11 10/50 PS). No prove could be found that this superstructure variant was manufactured based on the m. gl. Pkw. or the s. gl. Pkw.









According to K.St.N. 1111 from 1st October 1937, one Kfz. 18 was present in every motorcycle rifleman platoon of the motorcycle rifleman company and one Kfz. 18 in the company staff.









The Kfz. 18 was used for the transportation of spare parts and spare wheels of the motorcycles, for fuel and most probably for a part of the ammunition of the motorcycle rifleman platoons. (Image from Handbuch für Heerestaktik Band 2)






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