




leichter Vermessungsanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109) - light survey trailer
leichter Kartendruckanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/1) - light map printing trailer
Kartenzeichenanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/2 - map drawing trailer
Bildstellenanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/3) - image office trailer
Bildmeßanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/4) - image survey trailer
Bildkartieranhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/5) - image ploting trailer
Dunkelkammeranhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/6) - darkroom trailer
Vermessungsauswerteanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/7) - survey analysing trailer
Werkst. Anh. für Feinmech. (Sd. Ah. 109/8) - workshop trailer for precision mechanic
Buchbinderanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/9) - bookbinder trailer
le. Kartenreproduktionsanhänger I (Sd. Ah. 109/10) - light map replication trailer I
le. Kartenreproduktionsanhänger II (Sd. Ah. 109/11) - light map replication trailer II
leichter Buchdruckanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/12) - light letterpress printing trailer
Lichtpausanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/13) - blue printing trailer
leichter Kopieranhänger (Sd. Ah. 109/14) - light duplication trailer






Not much is known about the leichter Vermessungsanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109) and its 14 subvariants. It was listed in D 600 at least since 1940 but there was still no type data sheet in mid 1943. According to K.St.N. 2071 (and following) - the details about the 14 subvariants originate also from these K.St.N.’s - from November 1943, a wheeled tractor with 50 to 100 HP was scheduled as towing vehicle. A medium Omnibus or a 4.5 ton lorry with closed superstructure could be used as replacement. The illustrated leichter Vermessungsanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109) had a special equipment for the service in Africa. (Image from Wa 5 Sparkommissar, Wünsdorf)









The main part of the known photos of the leichter Vermessungsanhänger (Sd. Ah. 109) was made on the east front in 1944.






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