




Munitionstransportwagen MT 11 & MT 12






The Munitionstransportwagen - ammunition transportation trolley - MT 11 was used to transport large bombs including torpedos, air-mines and external tanks. Officially, it was allowed to tow up to three MT 11 by a tractor. Obviously, this order was sometimes ignored. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









The MT 11 could be adapted to different ammunition types by various fittings. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









Around 1941/42, the Munitionstransportwagen MT 12 was introduced. It was constructed very similar but had wheels made of sheet steel. The payload was increased to two ton. In addition, it was around 60 cm broarder than the MT 11. (Image from D.(Luft)T. 8800/5)






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