




Selbstfahrlafette (Sd. Kfz. 10/5)
Fahrgestell des le. Zgkw. 1t mit 2 cm Flak 38






The designation Sd. Kfz. 10/5 für 2 cm Flak 38 appeared first in October 1943. Possibly this designation was introduced to seperate the vehicles armed with the 2 cm Flak 30 from the vehicles armed with the 2 cm Flak 38. A broarder platform was developed for the 2 cm Flak 38. As a result, the mudguards over the tracks were now broarder at the rear edge. The trailer is a Sd. Ah. 51 with equipment and ammunition box.









The 2 cm Flak 38 had good firepower against ground and air targets. Also the morally effect of this automatic weapon was very effective. Only the heavy armoured Soviet ground attack aircrafts were hard to fight with the 2 cm Flak 38. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









Beginning in 1942, some Sd. Kfz. 10/5 received armour protection in front of the radiator and the driver’s compartment. This made combat against enemy ground forces easier. The photo was made in winter 1943/44. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









But this was not an improvement for the gun crew as one can see in this photo. Especially during combat against enemy aircrafts the crew was nearly unprotected.






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