











Büssing-NAG III GL 6






Already in the early 1920s, the draughtsmen of Büssing could make first experiences for the manufacturing of six-wheel lorries. In 1924, the heavy duty lorry Büssing VI GL with a payload of around 6 tons was presented. In total 483 vehicles were made until 1930. Probably, the Reichswehr procured several vehicles of this type. In early 1925, Büssing started the development of a six- wheel lorry for military purposes. As of 1926/27, the development was continued according to the demands of the HWA. No exact data is available but according to the previously mentioned overall view about the situation of the motor trials, dated 1st January 1930, the trials were completed at or about this time. Until 1938, altogether 343 vehicles of the Büssing type III GL 6, beginning in 1931 designated as Büssing-NAG type III GL 6, were manufactured. However, vehicles which were manufactured after 1935 were exported. An unknown number of these vehicles were sold to Turkey. These vehicles had a crew cab and single-tyre arrangement on the rear axles.






Production model:


Year of construction:


Capacity (ccm):

Power (PS):

Wheelbase (mm):




Büssing-NAG III GL 6



Büssing C4



3900 + 1250













Designation of the motor vehicle:

Abbreviated designation:



mittlerer geländegängiger Lastkraftwagen, offen (o)

m. gl. Lkw. off. (o)



Lastkraftwagen für Werkstattgerät [m. gl. Lkw., off. (o)]

Lkw. für Werkst. Ger.



Pionierkraftwagen I [m. gl. Lkw. (o)]

Pi.Kw. I



Befehlskraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Bef. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Bildkraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Bild Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Druckereikraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Druck. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Lichtauswertekraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Lichtausw. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Schallauswertekraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Schallausw. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Stabsauswertekraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Stabsausw. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Vermessungsauswertekraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Verm. Ausw. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



Wetterkraftwagen (Kfz. 72) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Wett. Kw. (Kfz. 72)



schwerer Vermessungstruppkraftwagen (Kfz. 73) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

s. Verm. Trp. Kw. (Kfz. 73)



Triebwerkkraftwagen (Kfz. 75) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Triebw. Kw. (Kfz. 75)



Werkstattkraftwagen (Kfz. 79) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)

Werkst. Kw. (Kfz. 79)






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