




Somua MCL 5
resp. Zugkraftwagen S 303 (f)






The heavier and stronger variant of the Somua half-track vehicle – the Somua MCL 5 – was characterised by the Wehrmacht as Zugkraftwagen S 303 (f). Armoured special vehicles were based on its chassis, too. Six exemplars of the 8 cm Vielfachwerfer – an armoured self propelled rocket launcher - were made. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









48 wing-stabilised rockets of the calibre 8 cm could be fired from the 12 launching rails in one volley. Altogether 232 high-explosive and 56 smoke rockets could be stored in the vehicle. The maximum range was 5,300 meters. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









Besides the 8 cm Vielfachwerfer, a Schwerer Reihenwerfer - an armoured mortar carrier with 20 mortars - was made on the Somua MCL chassis. 16 exemplars of this variant were made. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)






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