




schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper (s.W.S.) mit Pritschenaufbau






The first five serial vehicles of the schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper (s.W.S.) – literally translated heavy Wehrmacht tractor – were manufactured in December 1943. This development brought some simplifications in production but in the end, it was only an additional series of half-track vehicles. (Photo: NARA)









At least 851 exemplars of all variants were made until the end of war. Initially, the s.W.S. was used as towing vehicle for guns. But the low top speed of the s.W.S. often lead to the loss of the towing vehicle and the trailed gun. The troops didn’t accept this type in this purpose. So the s.W.S. was often used as vehicle for supply units. (Photo: NARA)






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